Justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S), defending, that Tommy key areas of is put in prison after fighting against Islamic State in northern Syria.

Tommy key areas is judged according to the part of the terrorlovgivningen, which determines which conflict-prone zones you are not allowed to reside in without permission from the Danish authorities. An extension of the terrorparagraffen, which was set in the world in 2016 in order to curb the danes to join the Islamic State.

See the first part of Tommy Mørcks story of the fight against ICE. Video: Stine Tidsvilde

Nick Hækkerup believes that the law also only serves the purpose to prevent private individuals from taking to the conflict zones, unless they have special permission.

– It is sensible, for otherwise we would have a situation where, in fact, legitimizes that people engaged in private wars. I think that to go in the war and using weapons is something we as a society need to decide, the minister says, and refers to the missions in Afghanistan and Mali.

Tommy key areas could not hold out not to do anything to brake the conflict in Syria. Therefore, he took off. Photo: Stine Tidsvilde

Nick Hækkerup maintains that it is important that it is society that has the monopoly on exercising violence, and that it must not be up to individuals alone to decide to go to war.

With that said, one must also say, that it is difficult not to have sympathy for people who go out and fight ICE. But the principle that voldsmonopolet, as it is called, is on the community hands, is important, he says.

See the second part of Tommy Mørcks story of the fight against ICE. Video: Stine Tidsvilde

Tommy Mørcks history

Tommy key areas are serving right now his judgment of six months in prison. He is judged according to the Danish terrorist legislation.

It is he, because he went in the war against the Islamic State in Syria in 2016 and 2017.

In Syria, he broke the part of the act, which provides that, where it is prohibited to enter and reside without a permit from the Danish police.

the Expansion of the terrorism act was brought into the world in september 2016 in order to strengthen the fight against terrorism by making it easier to punish fremmedkrigere.

But the law has not affected any fremmedkrigere.

Tommy key areas of do not believe he should be punished for the fight against Islamic State in Syria, where he put life and limb at stake.

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Tommy key areas fought alongside the kurdish militia YPG against the Islamic State in 2016 and 2017. He was sentenced to six years in prison by the Supreme court in august and has been in prison since 23. september.

He and one other are judged according to the expansion of the terrorism act on zoneforbuddet. They have both been to the YPG volunteers.

– No one is judged according to the intention which the law is made for …

– It is absolutely true. But it can be, it comes. The great departure of those who are fighting for the IS, happened before 2016, and we still have to get them home again, corresponding secretary, and continues:

But they had to get home – or back to Denmark, for it is not their home – they would be able to be judged by this condition.

See the third part of the Tommy Mørcks story of the fight against ICE. Video: Stine Tidsvilde

Returning ICE warriors will probably get a harsher punishment than Tommy key areas, says Nick Haekkerup.

But one advantage of the extension of the law is that the ICE warriors as a minimum, can be judged according to it.

– So one would be able to judge them by other articles in addition to, if you can lift the burden of proof.

– The good thing about this provision on travel ban is that it is easy to bevisføre, while it is difficult to document other violations of the terrorism act, since it is in these kinds of conflicts can be difficult to find evidence, he says.

See the fourth part of the Tommy Mørcks story of the fight against ICE. Video: Stine Tidsvilde