the Copenhagen city Court has on Friday convicted member of parliament Mette Thiesen (NB) for having violated the fitness instructor Mahmoud Loubanis honor. She was acquitted, however, of the punishment due to limitation, but must pay a compensation of dkk 15,000.

Mette Thiesen wrote 19. april 2018 on its Facebook profile a post with the headline ‘Terrorist-sympathiser used by Danmarks Radio’. In the advertisement, she goes in the flesh on the fitnessinstruktøren Mahmoud Loubani, who participated in a DR program.

Loubani had as a comment to a third person’s post on Facebook about Omar El-Hussein written ‘Allah yerhamu’, which means ‘may God forgive you’.

El-Hussein’s attack in 2015 a debatarrangement and a synagogue in Copenhagen and killed filmmanden Finn Nørgaard and the volunteer guard Dan Uzan.

Mette Thiesen perceived Loubanis comment for el-Hussein-the lookup as a sympatitilkendegivelse to Omar el-Hussein.

To Thiesen in the first place interested in the Loubani, was because he had commented on a posting on her Facebook profile, where she told that she had been threatened.

the comment suggested Loubani, that the threats were fabricated by Thiesen itself. And in the context he used the grinning yellow faces, so-called emojier. It got Thiesen to in the advertisement from the 19. april 2018 to mention Loubani as ‘a person who laughs at people who receive threats’.

The statements and the term ‘terrorist sympathizer’ was after Loubanis view, a violation of the injurielovgivningen, and therefore he brought the case against Thiesen.

the Court considers that the term ‘terroristsympatisør’ is offensive, but has, however, assessed that it was in order to call Loubani for ‘a person who laughs at people who receive threats’.

Should Thiesens lookups have been in order, so she was in court have resulted in the so-called sandhedsbevis that “Allah yerhamo” was perceived as an expression of sympathy for El-Hussein, according to the judgment.

Mette Thiesen made at the hearing in november much to, that she had chosen the name “terroristsympatisør” rather than “terrorsympatisør”. But the distinction has no significance for the court.

When Mette Thiesen acquitted of punishment, so is it that there is talk about a type of case, which must be called a private prosecution. The rules of the criminal code says that there shall be raised a case within six months.

Loubani travelled first case against Thiesen in January 2019, and as criminal case considered is the case therefore, according to the district court obsolete.

Mette Thiesen have the opportunity to appeal against the verdict to the Eastern high Court.