Today there was a press conference at Teatre Lliure to present the program of residences and the novelty of professional conferences. But the director Juan Carlos Martel wanted to start the meeting with the media with a short statement about the news of his resignation to be re-elected in the position when the month of January 2024 ends.

Martel has adduced “structural reasons” and “lack of conditions” to complete the project that was proposed when he assumed the directorship of the entity in 2019. “I said that I was coming to make a change in a theater that needed it and that he still needs it. And I consider that a moment has come that, by leaving, I help change even more”, he declared, because “the people who bring about changes are not people of consensus”. He also remarked that his commitment to Teatre Lliure will continue until the end.

Having said that, Martel and Georgina Oliva, director of programming and content, have detailed the new features of the residency program, which honors the memory of the founding actress Carlota Soldevila. Among the novelties, the celebration of professional days, ProCarlota, so that the artists and companies that have been part of this program over the course of four years can contact professionals in the sector and get to know their work.

Atresbandes, the resident company, lives up to its name and presents three shows. The recreation of The War of the Worlds, which was seen (or heard) in March; and Desert (26/V to 4/VI) and Global aspect of an issue (7-18/VI), at Lliure de Gràcia.

Pau Masaló is the resident artist and presents two installations. One is itinerant, Ciutat dormitorio, which will be seen in the Montjuïc cemetery (14-18/VI) and, thanks to the internationalization of the program, will travel to Hong Kong.

The second is Farewell, Petroleum! “We didn’t want to do a didactic show – explains Masaló – but the idea of ​​farewell to a world that is ending, that of oil”. And that is why they do “little farewell rituals” in two versions, one in the hall, Una festa (28/IV), and the other in the street, in Margarida Xirgu square, “a kind of performance with motorcycles for pay homage with irony to oil and explosion engines”, Untitled (16/VI).

The creative exchange residency was with Campo, from Ghent (Belgium). Nico Jongen presents Cantus Gestualis

Finally, the artist-in-residence Marina Congost works with the 1st grade students of the Turó de Roquetes high school, “so that they can give voice to their stories”, in the installation Un dia, jo, which will be seen at the ‘Free Space (30/V).

Martel was satisfied with the operation of this program, which is bearing fruit in the field of the performing arts and which, with its five-year duration, including next season, will reach almost a million euros.

“The residency program allows for risk and making mistakes”, he emphasized, and insisted that, with the 143,980 euros awarded last year, a figure similar to this year, creation is promoted, not production . 85 artists and collectives participated, with shows seen by 1,400 spectators.

The 2023-2024 program will consist of Intims Produccions as resident company; Magda Puig will be the resident artist and the creative residency exchange will go to Taipei next year, with the National Performing Arts Center – The National Theat