In recent days, Kiko Matamoros has been strongly questioned about the bad relationship he still maintains with his daughter Ana. In addition to the suspicious Instagram stories of the television couple, Marta López Álamo, there is a series of revelations about the young Anita Matamoros which confirm that the friction between them has not yet been fixed.

Despite the fact that Sálvame, a program of which Kiko is a regular collaborator, revealed the content of a letter from Anita when she was only 10 years old in which she expressed her love for her father, the space has not managed to get father and daughter to resume a good relationship that one day they had

Many voices are still convinced that Marta’s words, in which she talks about “a situation” that has been “enduring for 4 years”, had to do with Matamoros and her daughter. However, Kiko has once again denied all kinds of rumors: “If reliable evidence appears, let it appear, because I know perfectly well what has happened,” said the collaborator.

Matamoros continues to be reluctant to talk about his inner circle, but has insisted on silencing the published information. “I swear by my mother that I cannot speak, but really, nothing is further than that. Marta would be absolutely happy if I had a relationship with my five children, absolutely”, he has said again.

After these statements, Belén Esteban has entered the scene with a new issue for Kiko Matamoros. “That you know that there are people who are saying, people you know, that the day you go to Laura’s house (Matamoros), you agree with that person that we are not going to talk,” he said, possibly referring to Anita.

About Marta’s story on Instagram, Kiko has claimed to find out “the next morning” about the controversy. “Apparently, someone wanted to send her to ‘best friends’ and she put it in general,” the collaborator pointed out. For him, “the environment” of her partner did not ask him to delete it, but they warned him that she “had posted in the general” a story of ‘best friends’.