“More prominence” of IU in Sumar and “less hyper-leadership.” It didn’t take Antonio Maíllo 24 hours to reveal the roadmap that he wants to implement at the head of Izquierda Unida after winning the primaries held in the organization.

The new federal coordinator of IU – who has garnered the support of 53.4% ​​of the militancy – has diagnosed that the existing confluence on the left of the PSOE is “manifestly improvable” and in an interview with the EFE agency he has warned that “ Any process of this type has to go through respect for the parts that make up that whole and a search for comfort, because nothing can be built if people are not comfortable.”

The second vice president, for her part, has committed to “continue working and weaving common alliances” to improve the country, given that together they are “stronger.”

Maíllo’s recipe will not affect the stability of the Government in any way, but aims for “sincere and honest reflection to build the confederal space in the best way” as soon as the European elections on June 9 are over.

In his opinion, the left-wing coalition has not been as protagonist as it should be within Sumar, which is why it is committed to being so “but from persuasion, not from dynamics that have not been positive, cainite or confrontational.”

“You have to feel your partner as a partner to persuade, not to attack,” argued Maíllo, who believes that confluence has to be a process “that spreads territorially and is not concentrated on hyper-leadership, because then when it ends “hyperleadership exhausts the project.” (…) “Even Yolanda Díaz herself knows that,” he added, not without underlining that he maintains a “very good, correct and cordial relationship” with the leader of Sumar.”

That of lime and that of sand are constantly intermingled in Maíllo’s speech. The new leader of IU, in fact, qualifies Díaz as the best Minister of Labor that a Spanish Government has had, and highlights that “there have been no labor advances as ambitious and bold as those she has developed”, which is “ a source of extraordinary legitimacy.” Although, he warns, “that is not enough.”

And for all this he alludes to the “proud unitary tradition” of IU and the “so important and solid” support received for his proposals in his candidacy to affirm that “he leaves no room for doubt as to what the leading role is, of construction, structuring the territory and creating spaces linked to the reality of the people.”

He acknowledges becoming “solemn” to ensure that IU “is an instrument for people’s happiness” and that he aspires for “people to live better.” “That better society is built with more people,” says Maíllo, who praises the open debate during the primaries in an organization that he considers has shown that it is “alive.”

This morning, before the RNE microphones, Maíllo has endorsed the continuity of the Minister of Youth and Children, and rival in the IU primaries, Sira Rego, at the head of the ministry because he considers that the internal debate of his organization cannot affect to the government.

“No one would understand that due to a reflection or a debate in an assembly a modification or a proposal to modify a ministry is made, it does not make sense, nor is it sensible,” he stated in line with what was revealed during the internal primaries held in United Left.