A 69-year-old entrepreneur from north Jutland are in the middle of a gigantic downswing.

In October he was remanded in custody and charged with extensive vat fraud. At the same time, both he himself, his wife and their company in liquidation.

The Police investigator to continue the case. But the Attorney general is in full swing with making money for the tabsramte creditors of the company, which is reviewed requirements for 36,4 million.

And the lawyers, among other things, confiscated a luxury car of the protagonist.

‘The former director’s car, a Mercedes GLE, is currently in bankruptcy protection. The car was paid for by company funds,’ writes the Attorney general in a statement, which Ekstra Bladet has had access to.

The svindelsigtede director is not returned in the Additional Blade’s inquiries about the case. His lawyer, Jan Børjesson from DLA Piper, has no comments.

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A Mercedes of the model GLE have been confiscated from the accused director. The car’s new price start at 850.000 kr. Photo: Pr/Mercedes

The big Mercedes is far from the only possession from the accused director, the Attorney general is now trying to sell, in order to compensate creditors.

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The svindelsigtede executive director of the company bought this because cash for 9.5 million. kr. in the fall of 2017. Photo: René Schütze

As described earlier in the Extra Magazine his company the last two years purchased four properties in cash of approximately 13 million dollars.

And the big purchases are wondering why the several experts for nothing in the accounts suggests that the bankrupt company would have had such large funds available.

– There is virtually no turnover, so the actual operation can in any case not to finance any. But the accounts are generally a mess, and some of them are smaskforkerte. It is completely unclear as to what really is going on, Frank Thinggaard, professor specializing in accounting at Aarhus University, previously said to Ekstra Bladet.

The milliondyre property is on an industrial site to the 9.5 million dollars in Nørager and a house for 650.000 dollars in the same city, a house in Skørping to 900.000 crowns and a holiday home in Slettestrand in the North to two million dollars.

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This cottage by the North sea was a few months ago purchased in cash for approx. 2 million. kr. of the accused director and the company. The plan was, according to the Ekstra information, that it was to be demolished to make room for a spritnyt. Photo: René Schütze

The four properties trying the Attorney also to sell, according to the lawyers ‘ statement.

See also: the Prison director made no money: Bought the properties for million