Tell me your story.

I was a university professor of sociology and a hot air balloon competition pilot, I created an aerostation company that organized international events.

An active life.

The disease overtook me. He suffered from fibromyalgia in a very acute state when the name was not even known in Spain. The first seven years were hell in which I even wanted to end my life.


She was depressed and in a lot of physical pain, constant muscle contractions. I couldn’t drive, or even co-pilot because the vibration was tremendously painful, I had to lie down, and I didn’t care.

Well, I see her as great.

When they finally gave a name to what was happening to me, in front of the bag of medicines I had to take to alleviate the pain of that disease about which so little was known, I made a decision.

what did you decide

He couldn’t accept that life sentence in a bed. I thought I wanted to be clear minded, unmedicated, and dedicated to finding a cure.

In theory there is none.

It is very different to say we know of no cure and there is no cure.


I studied naturopathy and found some relief, but it was not the solution. My husband, a diplomat, was offered to move us to Delhi, with our two teenage sons, and I quickly said: “Yes, I will heal in India!”.

Because? What did you sense?

The first lesson: there are no coincidences, there are synchronicities. When we arrived in Delhi we went to a diplomatic dinner. A woman was an expert in reiki, the laying on of hands, she explained a few things and said that in order for them to do it for you, you have to ask for it.

Did you run out of time?

The next day I called him and asked. The pain disappeared in 21 days and I decided to train as a teacher for three years. Then I did a master’s degree in Alternative Medicines and Integral Health and several silent retreats of at least ten days.

I had energy again, I see.

All together it allowed me to heal, but I am very rational and wanted to find a simple methodology to convey. My research allowed me to realize the power we have, I was reborn.

What did you understand?

That being is like a family unit made up of five children: the physical, the mental, the emotional, the energetic and the spiritual, and they are all interrelated.


As we contain our emotions, our energy centers, the chakras, are blocked. When they are open they vibrate at the same frequency as universal energy. When emotions block one of our energy centers things don’t go well; this was my research.

How did he do it?

Measuring the energy fields of those receiving reiki and how they evolved. We have to change the habits that lead us to the blockage.

Why do you think you got sick?

I suffered a lot with my breakup, it was very ugly, I lost weight, I ate and slept badly, and the work multiplied until I burned out. We are begging for affection in life, we do things to be accepted.

We are social beings.

Yes, but first you have to be. Fear, rancor and hatred were poisoning me. When I managed to forgive and forgive myself there was a change, in doing so we secrete substances that help us heal the body. Everything is related.

It took you years.

I discovered one essential thing: that life is magical, and that we can all become magicians.


Changing the vibration frequency, reconnecting again. Today we know that everything is energy, to tune in to the subtle energy that surrounds us we have to have our chakras open and stay in that tune through daily meditation.

What kind of meditation?

Seeing things as they are through the observation of breathing and your mental state is what today is called mindfulness, but with an antiquity of thousands of years: Vipassana meditation.

And a few more things?

Yes, how you eat, exercise; and on the emotional side, identify your problems and heal them; work on forgiveness for yourself and all those who have hurt you, and do something for others. All this well worked is the magic of the invisible.

With effort and constancy.

An ounce of practice is worth more than a ton of theory. Full presence all day.