In what is described as the world’s first attempt to have Donna and Jasmine Francis-Smith managed both to carry a fertilized egg in their stomachs, after the couple had gone through artificial insemination.

It resulted in the baby Otis, who was born in september.

Now it tells married couples about their journey with the fertilized egg that was inside of them both before they became parents.

It makes the to several british media including the Metro and The Telegraph.

– We are really overwhelmed by the fact that it is blown up so much, tells Donna and continues:

– You see a lot of couples of the same gender, where the one doing it all. The person will become pregnant and give birth to the child. In our case we are both very involved in the whole process.

She says that it has brought the pair closer together, and that the two have got a special bond together, which is helped by how we have done it.

Jasmine tells that they are very happy together.

– all of It has led us to feel more equal in the process, and it has made us closer as a family. Now when the baby is born and have it good, we can really be a family. If we were to have a child again, would we do it this way again.

It is an artificial befrugtningsafdeling in London, which has launched the concept of ‘shared motherhood’ eight years ago.

the way It works is that one party will provide an egg, while the other goes through the pregnancy.

This time, however, taken it a step further by letting the fertiliserede eggs come up in the one partner’s uterus instead of an artificial environment. In the first 18 hours, the egg remained in one of the partners, before it is transported to the other partner’s uterus, where the child then has to grow up great through the pregnancy.

Dr. Giuseppina Lamanna has been monitoring the couple’s pregnancy and has stated that this method brings the pair even closer together, because both participated in the pregnancy.

– In this case Donna is very fond of the idea that she was to make their baby at home, she says.

the Method is both available for hetereoseksuelle couples, gay couples and women who want to become mothers alone.