P-the guards in Copenhagen last year has been busy – again.

Cycling the p-guards and the new term of the p-zones led in 2019 for more parking charges than the year before.

It shows the annual statement from the city of Copenhagen.

In 2019 was imposed in all 332.713 parking fees. This is an increase of almost 25,000 in relation to the year before.

According to the statement comes p-guards easier around town on their electric bikes, instead of as earlier in the car, so they spend more time on control than transport. And then there are created three new time-limited parking zones, which has expanded the amount of p-seats, where there is control.

See also: 200 new parking spaces in Copenhagen

most of The p-charges will be imposed due to non-payment. The type of offence constitute almost one-third (105.347) of all the charges.

But the biggest increase in the type of wrongdoing are, however, cases where drivers have not complied with the time limit. Many because of the newly created fixed-term p-zones, where it could park, as long as you wanted to.

on the other hand, the total issued fewer taxes on the ten most congested roads, where there is no replacement in the top ten compared to the year before. The list consists of the exact same roads as in 2018, but some of the roads have, however, changed position on the list. List peaks by Juliane Maries Vej close to the university hospital, which also is the cause of Blegdamsvej and Frederik V’s Vej is located in the top ten.

– It is an area with some quite specific circumstances, where there is a great flow of traffic during the day, and where people have great need for short-term parking. Therefore, we have also a continued focus on p control in the area, so it will be easier to find a space when you have an errand at the hospital. In addition, we are on the road with additional signage, so that the rules on time-limited parking in the area becomes clarified, says enhedschef Jesper Borch from the Center for Parking.

See also: Now you need to pay more to park in Copenhagen

In 2019, which is issued about 25,000 more taxes in the city of Copenhagen, lands the total gross revenue of 170 million. kr., of which 58 million. kr. settled to the Police, and 34 million. kr. paid to the State.

The remaining amount from the revenue from pay parking and p-charges will be forwarded to the joint community chest.

the Top ten roads with the highest number of p-fines in Copenhagen

(the Number in parentheses is the number of p-fines in 2018)

1. JULIANE MARIES VEJ 3.356 (3.565)

2. BÅDSMANDSSTRÆDE 3.304 (4.113)

3. NYROPSGADE 3.249 (3.665)

4. ØSTER FARIMAGSGADE 2.998 (2.837)

5. BLEGDAMSVEJ 2.691 (3, 235m)

6. ØSTERBROGADE 2.686 (2.448)

7. FREDERIK V’S VEJ 2.653 (2.758)

8. DYRKØB 2.542 (2.536)

9. GOTHERSGADE 2.361 (2.068)

10. FLÆSKETORVET 2.310 (3.654)