After weeks of doubts about what his course would be, the general secretary of the PSOE-Aragón and senator by autonomous appointment, Javier Lambán, has decided not to participate this Tuesday in the vote on the Amnesty law in the Senate for a matter of “ethical conviction.” ”.

In this way, the former president has refrained from breaking the socialist voting discipline in the face of a measure of which he has always been very critical, while avoiding portraying himself as voting alongside the right-wing bench.

Confronted with Ferraz on numerous occasions, Lambán communicated his decision this Tuesday to the leader of the PSOE in the Senate, the Andalusian Juan Espadas, with a letter in which he confirmed his decision not to exercise his right so as not to incur “an unbearable disloyalty.” with myself”.

In his opinion, his decision represents a “balanced solution”, since voting in favor of the norm would represent a “flagrant contradiction” with his “ethical and political” convictions and would not provide “any service” to the country or his party.

Given this scenario, he considers that by not voting he avoids giving his support “actively or passively” to an amnesty law that “is aggravating the problem of coexistence in the rest of the country and harming the health of democracy.”

Furthermore, his letter recalls that this is not the first time that the unanimity of the socialist vote regarding Catalonia has been altered, as happened years ago with the PSC deputies “in relation to the ‘right to decide’ with the ‘procés’ already in March”.

The last scuffle between Lambán and the leadership headed by Pedro Sánchez was recorded just two weeks ago, when the Aragonese accused Ferraz of “humiliating” the Aragonese militancy by not including the candidate chosen by a large majority in the European lists. community, Isabel García, compared to the one preferred by Madrid, Rosa Serrano from Huesca.