’Karen, Maren and Mette, the establishment of a cap.’

the Verse is about little girls, who fight to control a doll.

But a doll that comes out of the sand, has not asked that would be owned by someone.

In the previous week, the new socialist government to bring down a working group that was established by the former VLAK-government. The purpose of this working group was to create better business conditions for the prostitutes on an equal footing with other professions in society.

Social affairs minister Astrid Krag has said that you can’t treat prostitution as a normal (common?) profession, and, therefore, can the self-employed do not get the same terms, because they work with sex.

It is rather a social problem, she said, and therefore must focus exclusively on the exit programs.

Like the little girls, who fight over a doll, which is completely her own, the prostitutes also their own.

They are just not treated such.

I believe that the prostitutes in this case are the victims of a narrow-minded moralising and an almost he must also take of them. Even though they are independent adults people.

And it is a sin and a shame, that we in our otherwise free and liberal society, can not find the needed profits and respectful view of humanity forward in this context.

the State will want their tax, but will not recognise these people’s freely chosen profession.

It is very much a double standard, and it seems like a patriarchal management with an outdated view of women.

But hey, both our social security and the prime minister are both women!?

Where is the søstersolidariteten?

It is fine that they will focus on exit-programs, but it is my opinion that, rather talk about a moralising.

For a number of years ago – when I drive my lingerie company, Katja K Underwear – I met the very same prime minister randomly a day at McDonald’s.

She looked olmt on me while I stood in line and waited for a ’big menu with everything’.

the Outcry was evident in her gaze, and I was surprised by her obvious reaction.

I was astonished that such an educated woman apparently did not possess a greater human profit to a ’woman with an edge’.

It had to turn, another leading liberal minister once, as he welcomed on the streets while he waving politely with his hat.

It is a part of the magtelitens responsibility to cherish the diversity in our society.

I am convinced that it will contribute to human growth and get us all to the good.