Kasper Junker was in august leased from AC Horsens for the Norwegian club Stabæk.

And Junker extends now his stay in Norwegian football, since Horsens, denmark sold the Danish striker to Bodø/Glimpses.

Bodø/Glimpses have chosen to buy Their free of contract, informs Horsens on its website.

Horsens head coach Bo Henriksen never reached to make the Junker to the success of the royal club.

– There were big expectations for the Junker, as he was signed as rekordindkøb in AC Horsens, but for many different reasons, it has failed to meet the expectations.

– Therefore we agreed that he would get the opportunity to kick-start his career in Stabæk. He has taken the option, and there has been much interest for him.

– We’ve got a financially advantageous option to sell the Junker to Bodø/Glimpses, and we are very happy to send him forth, says Henriksen.

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– There were big expectations for the Junker, as he was signed as rekordindkøb in AC Horsens, but for many different reasons, it has failed to meet the expectations. Photo: Ernst van Norde / Ritzau Scanpix.
Junker, who just scored 3 goals in 28 matches for Horsens, looks forward to continuing his career in the Norwegian football.

– My time in the AC Horsens have been a little two-piece with a really good autumn personally and holdmæssigt and a spring that was not approved, and in the summer I was looking for new challenges in Stabæk, where I’ve been glad to be.

– I have chosen to sought new challenges in Norway, and I’m really glad that it is succeeding to make a deal with Bodø/Glimpses.

– I had hoped for success over several years in AC Horsens, where I’ve been glad to be, but this is a good opportunity for me and I am excited to get started, reads it from the Junker.

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