Thinking a bit on that one should live each day….also the days you are on the job.
– Think a shorter day is better for the family, rather than a concentrated job ‘week, and then concentrated the free ‘week’.
Just a thought.
See also: Earn more now: Pia has been allowed to work three hours extra every week
How to write Ellen N. in one of the comments that are written on the Jydskevestkystens Facebook profile on the job center in Esbjerg, it has offered the 500 employees, to keep a long weekend every week. One of the employees who said yes, working as jobmentor by JobAktiv, which is one of the major departments in the local authority’s performance. And she welcomes:
– It will be great to be able to start the weekend with to have to keep track of it all.
– I can make clean and buy into Friday morning, while our two children are in school and be ready for the weekend, when they come home, she says to the newspaper, but Ellen is not the only thing that seems to shorter working hours each day, are preferable to a weekly day off:
– you Could leave it up to the individual?
– Not all families operate the same way, writes Jesper M so, and Søren E continues:
– Why not get the labour market to introduce the normal working time of 6 1/2 hours 5 days a week with pause.
the working time of the morning and afternoon and evening and night as needed.
– So families can take turns to domestic work, writes Søren, while Kaj H – who have dialed in to the nation! after reading the story on the – seems that the clients, i.e. the unemployed, should also have the right to keep free for the activation, etc one day a week:
– It is quite stressful to be unemployed, I would certainly choose to keep the free one day a week, he says, but what do you say?