football Clubs are traded for more money than ever in 2019 in dollars and cents.

It shows a report, which FIFA has published.

In total traded football clubs last year herrespillere for 7,35 billion u.s. dollars, about 50 billion dollars. This is an increase of 5.8 percent compared with the year before.

the Clubs from England accounted for the largest share with approximately ten billion spent dollars on trades. At the same time had English clubs overall, it’s largest deficit of transferbalancen with an outflow of $ 3.7 billion.

Portuguese clubs had the largest surplus, when the accounts were made up. In Portugal, the race transferoverskuddet of 2.6 billion crowns.

18.042 purchase and sale was registered, and it is also a record. In total, 15.463 players from 178 different countries are traded.

Although the number of trades in female football greatly pales in comparison with the men, there was an increase in 2019.

With women was 833 trades carried out. When you add up all the deals with female soccer players together, was the amount of 4.4 million crowns, which is 16,3 percent more than in 2018.

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