the Tears rolled, because this week’s episode of ‘Married at first sight’ rolled across the screen.

Luna Elmkjær was completely shocked when Anders Pilemand suddenly asked for a “period of reflection” from their tv marriage, which otherwise, so far, had gone exceptionally well and painlessly.

– I don’t cry about Anders, but over the way he treated me. It was really bad, ” says Luna Elmkjær to the Extra Blade and continues.

– I have some things in the luggage, that makes it do damn hurt when I on the way get to know that I’m not good enough, she says.

Film, tv & radio – 12. sep. 2019 – at. 20:59 Big crisis in the ‘Married at first sight’: So wrong, it went

Luna Elmkjærs background, one can with her own words read about on Psykologihåndbogens side a of the failure.

– It’s about my childhood, where I had a father, I always feel, pushed me to the side. I was never good enough. It is something that has followed me and has made, that I have been looking for love in the purest form. I datet a lot of men – what I call playing safe. But when I signed up to the ‘Married at first sight’, I was convinced that the opening could not be so dangerous, when there were experts check over, she says.

But it was dangerous for Luna Elmkjær that in the past equal to the load would crack, and when Anders Pilemand – after luna’s opinion completely out of the blue – had to ask for a break.

While Luna wept, were Anders passive. Photo: DR
– I know that I am a skævert. Men may have difficulty greje me, so it can be difficult to find a match for me. I have both the mega-vulnerable and also the right longshoreman-like. But when I wear a dress and surrenders to me on the way, so you have to take care of me. And I said this from the start for Anders, she says.

From having kissed, hugged and caressed each other, there was suddenly no contact between Luna Elmkjær and Anders Pilemand. She felt seriously let down. Again.

– He must feel, just what he will. But he could have been honest from the start. It, I asked him about. But he failed me, and it is no secret that I was terrified of falling into a depression in this situation, says Luna Elmkjær, which 15 years ago was actually hit by a depression and for nothing in the world will be plunged again.

– Anders has made me so creepy with his fake behavior. I must in one way or another out and trust people again. It will be difficult, says Luna Elmkjær, that today go to the psychologist to deal with the failure, she has been subjected to.

Anders Pilemand and Luna Elmkjær went towards the priest’s call – in bed with each other on the wedding night. Photo: Nicolas Cosedis

According to Anders Pilemand was the cracks in the television marriage, not someone who suddenly arose.

– For me it is not something that happens suddenly. It is a gradual development, but as viewers experience it, I can see that it works very abruptly, ” says Anders Pilemand to Ekstra Bladet.

– Luna came with many compliments to me, which I was flattered by. At some point it dawns on me that I can’t reciprocate it. Therefore, I will have to ask for a pause for reflection. I will not go and play acting opposite her, he says.

Follow Luna, Anders and the other couples in ‘Married at first sight’. It is Thursdays at 20 on DR1.