11.000: So many trucks drive every day through the channel tunnel between Dover and Calais in France, or be added between the respective ports, with the ships over. 99 percent of them Were transported. These trucks would have to be controlled in the case of a hard Brexit or no Deal all, because the British of the would then be no member of the internal market. To be the port operator of Dover prophesied that would form on both sides of the canal 17 kilometers-long traffic jams. And that would be optimistically estimated that if the average clearance time will be increased from the current two to four minutes. The British highway authority is planning a 16-kilometre-long highway section in the vicinity so that maintenance can Park trucks there. Real ESTATE EXCHANGE flats, houses and commercial property, here you will find the right property

trading is strong

45.000.000 difficult: Because 90 percent of the drugs from the United Kingdom will be delivered through this bottleneck between Dover and Calais in the EU, could delay the delivery of a total of 45 million medication strong Also, drugs from third countries must be in EU laboratories tested before they are allowed to be sold. This would cost even more time.

5: This is the percent share of salad from the UK, the British eat in the Winter. Almost every head of Lettuce import the British out of the EU, mostly from Spain. The Problem: the salad is very quick bad. The freight forwarding industry, warns: “We can’t get any of the products just in time in the shelves.” Salad will be in the Winter, so very close. Risk life insurance COMPARE The right risk life insurance, you can find here in the Collective-Check

salad is just

75.000: For the Growing of lettuce, then the labour force could be missing. In the case of a hard-Brexit the status of residence of 75,000 seasonal workers would be cleared – even without a transitional period. Even the whole harvest of the coming summer would be at risk. Many Eastern European workers are returning now to their home. PDF salary & career 2018

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154.000.000: If you can, however, return after a hard Brexit, in turn, is questionable. Because without the Deal, the airline would have to be set up between the EU in theory. This relates to a total of gave work to 457 000 tonnes of freight and 154 million passengers.

Many of the ulsterman will be out of power

some 200,000 have: in the common electricity market is a small part of Northern Ireland electricity from Ireland. Northern Ireland would remain in the United Kingdom, Ireland is part of the EU. By the Brexit, the legal basis for the exchange of Electricity is missing. Around 200,000 Northern Ireland would then be without power.

9.000: So many civil servants are missing in the UK, in order to cope with the additional coordination effort. By the new or lack of agreement is a mountain of bureaucracy. More than 200,000 medium-sized companies would otherwise have to submit to customs and border controls, a variety of documents. PDF Bargaining and negotiation professionals, Our PDF guide explains how you can negotiate successfully, whether it is the purchase of the car or next salary negotiation.To the PDF guide

1224: documents for the customs are not the only thing companies need. For heavy transport by the EU, you need as a company from a third country, called the ECMT licenses. So far, only 1224 truck on the island of such a license. Overall, however, approximately 38,000 truck would need such estimates to the competent British industry Association on demand of time Online.

British cars are, on average, 3000 euros more expensive

3000: also auto transports. Their number will be reduced probably alone in this, because: Each of the UK-produced car to be sold in the EU, would be 3,000 euros more expensive. For cars from the EU, the British would have to pay 2,000 euros more. This would correspond to a total number of approximately 2.7 million cars and trucks that are traded between the EU and the UK.

1.900.000.000.000: So a lot of capital in Euro from the EU and is managed solely in London or Edinburgh. Advertised the 1.9 trillion Euro. The Transfer of the financial data in the case of a hard Brexit would not be regulated and this is possible only with difficulty.

In the hog-Brexit EU trade Hard Brexit