She is 21 years old with long and curly hair.

Ida Christiansen is ready to take the ‘Paradise Hotel’, where she Thursday, the pistons in. It happens in the worst possible way. After a parceremoni is the mood depressed, and while still sitting on the chairs, dolls Ida up.

– I was mega nervous when I had to go up to the other, I had just gotten to know, I had to quiet me with Rikke, but I could see that there had been parceremoni. I was so nervous that I could hardly see out of the eyes, she says to Ekstra Bladet, and continues:

– I really tried to pull myself up, for I felt I would faint, and that I originated, when the words came out of my mouth. It was mega overwhelming to get into on the way.

‘Paradise Hotel’ is a dream come true for the pretty blonde. In season 15, which was won by Singer Skoubo, she completely slutcastingen, before she was elected from. Therefore, it was also good timing that the production even called to ask if she might be interested this time.

They rang two days after I had been single, and asked if I could still be interested, and when I said yes, sounded the message that I was going away for six days, she says.

You face the into a hotel in chaos with two very opposing factions. How was it?

– It was really difficult, because it is good, when you come in as a new that they will either have one, otherwise they will not. You could feel that I was able to save the small group, but it was the major at the same time not so glad. It was hard, when you don’t know anyone and don’t know what happens. People tell of course, but it is from their point of view, explains Ida Christiansen.

Ida Christiansen is the new participant on the ‘Paradise Hotel’. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

It has been a sexfest until further notice. How do you check that?

– I will say, that I am not such a, you just are along with, and I don’t think I in any way will be in on the sexfest. I must not be together with god and with each man, but one does not know what is happening. There may come a handsome guy, she says.

But what can the viewers expect from the new girl? Own words with lots of good mood.

– I am a very sweet and open girl. I is insane once and had made me insanely much to check in.