Tuesday’s episode of ‘Paradise Hotel’ has really created quite a stir among the danes.

In the section you could see how the participant Freya is very particular rejected the participant, Christopher, when he tried to kiss her. Subsequently, she told to the camera that it was far over her limit, and she was decidedly the nausea of the situation.

In this connection, she said to Ekstra Bladet, that there had been many things prior to the incident, which the viewers had not seen – among other things, that she had opened up to Ken and told that he could always come to her if he had it hard. According to her, this was precisely the reason that she reacted so violently as she did.

See also: Humiliated for open screen: Now raging she over TV3

After the section has been available on Viaplay and Viafree, has Freja been given a lot of messages from people who have an opinion on how she acted in the section, and do not believe that she treated Christopher properly.

– I have received many messages. There are a few pieces that have been positive and written, that they can understand, why I react as I do. But there are also many who do not understand me and think I’m on the team, who bully, Christopher, though I don’t think that he has been bullied. There are several who have written to me, I’m clammy, or have a clammy behavior, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

– therefore, I am also really sorry that the whole situation is not being shown on tv, as I also said yesterday, so is there really much that is gone before the episode. I think I am going to appear as a bad person, and I think it is really sad. I tried the actually be there for him, but it appears not how. I’m really sorry that I am being put in the crib. I’m not a bully, and I will not be put in the crib as a.

Here is the incident between the Freja and the Old, where Freja reject his line. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

According to the Freja is the tremendously to receive so many negative messages, but she tries to put it away, as well as she can.

– I have it mixed with the here messages. It is, of course, not fat. I read them, and so do I delete them. I know what happened, and I remember saying to myself that they were not there, and that they do not know, how it really was, ” she says, and continues:

– When it is with it on, it violently. For man is so much in focus, and it is weird and very uncomfortable. It is really hard, when you know that there are so many people sitting out there and come with it.

Freja is a part of the startcastet in the new season of ‘Paradise Hotel’. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark