Sales of pesticides in Denmark has exploded from 2017 to 2018.

It shows a statement from the environmental protection Agency, writes the Althing.

Looking closer at the numbers, it is especially gardeners, who have increased consumption of herbicides. The sales of the active substance in the funds as Roundup has tripled from 20 tonnes in 2017 to 62 tonnes in 2018.

There is an increase on the whole 17procent, shows the inventory. It is too much, believes Minister for the environment Lea Wermelin (S):

‘We should only use pesticides where it is necessary, and it is not on private land. The sale of glyphosate to private going in the wrong direction. That is why I know to look at the possibilities to make a general ban on the use of pesticides on private land,’ she writes to the Althing.

From the Danish society for nature conservation is directly shaken by the numbers.

– It is strange that people don’t just use a rake and elbow grease. It is entirely to the horse, that amateurs are allowed to use poisons, says cap senior adviser Rikke Lundsgaard to the media.

The sharp increase should be seen in light of the fact that recent years have been sold illegal pesticides in connection with removal of moss, which affects the statistics.

In 2018 is a new, legally herbicide come on the market.

Looking away from the funds against the mos, it is still a significant increase in sales of ukrustmidler. It rose from 17.6 tonnes in 2017 to 23,7 tonnes in 2018.

of Which there has been an increase in the sales of the active ingredient in Roundup from 12 ton to 14 ton, writes the Althing.

Community – 26. nov. 2019 – at. 13:40 Sued for 3.393.700.000 crowns

See also: 50.000 support the ban: Should be treated in the Danish Parliament