Last week, one of the most commented images was the loneliness in which the two Podemos ministers, Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, followed the debate in Congress on the Only Yes is Yes Law from the government’s blue bench. One week after the Government was about to break, with the pressure at its maximum and the gauge needles setting records and days before Pedro Sánchez touches up his government before the municipal and regional elections, the Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda , Ione Belarra, received a warm welcome from the entire Podem apparatus, second vice president and candidate included.
In the midst of a tidal wave between the partners of the coalition government, the leadership of the party in the Valencian Community has established itself as a faithful follower of the guidelines established from Madrid. In fact, the Vice President and Minister of Housing, Héctor Illueca, was not only one of the most enthusiastic in supporting Belarra’s criticism of businessmen such as Juan Roig or Vicente Boluda, but also increased and stretched the questioning of the large supermarket owners trying to bring the debate within the Valencian Government, with little success.
Some statements by Illueca that have served for the Podem candidate to set his own profile and gain some relevance to his partners who have distanced themselves from harsh criticism. All this debate has also evidenced the good thread between the Valencian leader and the former leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, and has ratified the perfect communion between the national and regional leadership. Yesterday’s event that ended with the Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda and General Secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, and the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda, Lilith Verstrynge, in the mascletà with the Podem candidate for Mayor, Pilar Lima and Illueca himself was a clear example.
A visit with a lot of organic weight since the national leaders are the one and two of the purple formation respectively. From Podem they framed the meeting in the fact that the reissue of the Botànic and the formation of a left-wing government in the Valencia City Council with Podem inside “are an absolute priority” for the training. In this sense they remember the constant visits of government leaders or even the celebration of Spring.
The truth is that the Valencian Community is, together with Madrid, the autonomous region with the most weight facing the polls and a good result in these territories is key to maintaining the strength of the party in the face of the general elections and the presumably complicated integration into Yolanda Díaz’s Sumar project.
Before, during the institutional visit, Belarra spoke to the media and made it clear that his commitment to the Housing Law is “iron” and that his party will not stop until a state regulation is put in place that regulates “effectively ” flats for rent.
This is one of the most common demands of the Valencian Minister of Housing and one of the claims that serve to distance himself from the PSOE. In this sense, the head of Social Rights slipped that “if we were really concerned about the housing emergency, this law would have been available since the first year of the legislature.” After acknowledging that “I do not know the reasons” for which this has not been possible, she invited to ask the “government partner” -in reference to the PSOE- to find an answer.
During the meeting with the journalists, Illueca took the opportunity to celebrate that the Constitutional Court (TC) endorses the decree that allows the Generalitat to buy homes through the right of first refusal and retraction, while accusing the PP senators of acting “as thugs of interests that conspire every day to prevent the construction of a public housing system” by resorting to it.