will be Preserved. It is quite amusing to see, when the Danish prime minister, to get a grineflip on the podium in the Danish Parliament.

A story that got a smile on your face here in Denmark, but in China it can’t get enough. Not at all.

According to the chinese embassy, the video has gone viral in China, and about 70 million people have read about Mette Frederiksen failed to talk about the friendship between the elephant Ramboline and the camel Ali.

in Addition hashtagget #DanishPrimeMinisterBurstIntoLaughter shared about 50 million times.

the Story, which was Mette Frederiksen to die of laughter, is about the elephant Ramboline and the camel Ali.

The two animals lived together in the Circus Arena and Circus Trapeze, but since it was illegal to have exotic animals in the circus, should the two be separated.

the State would buy the four elephants, but so easy it was not. Ramboline and Ali were such good friends that we also had to fork out for the camel.

We were brought to the important information, that it would be wrong to separate Ramboline and Ali. Therefore, we were actually Ali said the prime minister 3. October, before she and the hall broke down laughing.

The kind of relaxed atmosphere is the apparently wild in China, and the story has also been brought in several of the major chinese media.