Former prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt has got himself a bold post.

S-the government has designated the social democrats to be the president of a newly established high-level panel to tackle tax havens.

The typing of the Ministry of foreign affairs in a press release.

the Designation is made after the request from the president of the UN general Assembly and the president of the UN Economic and Social Council.

– I am very proud that the united nations reach out for the Danish leadership, when it comes to finding solutions to major global problemstilligner as the green economy and the fight against tax evasion and tax havens, says foreign minister Jeppe Kofod in the press release.

– We need to intervene actively against the corrupt global financial elite, who are profiting from the international skattefusk, corruption and tax havens. It must be fought. It is the lifeblood of me as foreign minister. The fight against tax evasion and tax havens is also a struggle to get financed UN 17 verdensmÃ¥l and ensured a more fair and sustainable globalisation. It is needed for. I’m glad that Helle Thorning Schmidt has taken on the exciting formandsrolle. It is she is really well prepared. And I will look forward to follow the work, says the foreign minister.

See also: Thorning in the mysterious tv-apology

the united nations requested as late as september 2019 Denmark to assume a leading role in promoting the global transformation of the energy sector to sustainable energy at climate Summit in New York.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s husband, Stephen Kinnock, came in 2010 and 2011 on everyone’s lips, as it turned out, that he has not paid tax in Denmark. And the newspaper BT could present in 2011 details from Helle Thorning-Schmidt, skattepapirer-up to the elections.

Then follow the allegations through the air that Thorning-pair wondered in the Danish tax rules, by Stephen Kinnock did not pay taxes in Denmark. Among other things, assessed the politikegemalen its total days in Denmark to be under the 180 days of the year, which would trigger the full Danish tax liability.

Helle Thorning Schmidt, along with its co-chair, The former prime minister Ibrahim Mayaki, head of the panel of 15 members, composed of former heads of state, experts, representatives from civil society and academic institutions.

On the basis of analyses and in dialogue with UN member states, international institutions, the private sector and civil society, the panel will prepare a report with recommendations on a global strengthening efforts against tax evasion, the fight against illicit financial flows and corruption. The panel is expected to deliver a first reporting for the summer and its final report in early 2021.