Kicker call him ‘the Kung Fu keeper’.

Bild notes that it is “the most brutal free-kick’.

So clearly expresses the two great south of the border, after the Schalke-goalkeeper Alexander Nübel got straight red in the Ruhr club’s 1-0 win against Frankfurt on Sunday evening.

The 23-year-old German came bounding to prevent Frankfurt Mijat Ga?inovi? in to get to the chance, and about 30 metres from the goal did he serb with a boot directly in the chest.

Referee Felix Zwayer has rarely been so easy to expel a player, but this time it was so crystal clear that the offence in 66. minutes was a red ticket.

Bild is not in doubt that it is the year’s most brutal free-kick

the RTL call it a bad action

More sites are compared his action with Harald ‘Toni’ Schumacher in the semifinals at the WORLD cup in 1982, where the German goalkeeper slammed into the French Patrick Battiston, who was free in front of goal. The frenchman went out like a light and ended up in a coma after his afslutningsforsøg that went just past the goal.

Battiston lost three teeth after a collision in the famous battle in which the germans went on, but lost to Italy in the final.

So wrong it went, thankfully, not here.

the Victim Ga?inovi?, however, had to be replaced after addressing the issue, and Frankfurt-coach Adi “tour de france” was not impressed after the purge.

– It looked awful. He is in the hospital, but it sounds that he’s gotten easy.

The Serbian player has since signed up okay on the social media and among other things wrote the following directly to the keeper:

– Thank you, because you immediately apologized. This can happen in football. However, I can tell you that I’m fine despite a heavily bruised ribs.

this is The second time in 2019, Nübel get the red card. Photo: Ina Fassbender/Ritzau Scanpix

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Målmandstalentet can now look forward to a hefty quarantine.

The hard dog Felix Magath, who, incidentally, was on the track with the above Schumacher in the WORLD championship match, think it should cost six uuger in the shade.

– the Opponent’s health was in danger. It will be a good lesson for him, he says, according to Bild.

Nübel has his contract this summer, and right now any speculation is strongly in the that he could find to slip to Bayern Munich. Schalke have offered him a contract on several occasions, but their proposals have been rejected.

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