It was something of a bomb, Simon Cowell threw in the weekend, when he sat behind dommerbordet in ‘The X Factor: Celebrity’ in the Uk.

the Man behind the format, pulled the suddenly a most surprising dispute out of the sleeve, when it came to the gut-wrenching decision, where a participant must leave the program.

See also: ‘X Factor’-Kristian after the concert: – It is my stupid mistake

Here announced Cowell, one of the eliminated from the programme’s live shows are given the opportunity to return to the finals. It is up to the viewers and their sms votes to assess who it must be.

Simon Cowell pulled at the weekend a rabbit out of the hat. Photo: Shutterstock
In other words, will Simon Cowell create an extra runner for the most popular loser from the coveted live shows. It writes

– So even if you are out, there is still a chance to reach the final, he said in the program.

Simon Cowells new contrivance is, however, not a, we are going to experience in Denmark, when the Danish TV2 in the new year shows ‘the X Factor’. It writes TV2’s underholdningschef, Dorte Borregaard, in a text message to Ekstra Bladet.

‘It is in celebrity- ‘the X Factor’, they have made the rule. So we have p.t. not plans. But we look, of course, always new ideas with curiosity’, she writes.

flash 19. aug. 2019 – at. 18:42 of ice cold Culture on last year’s ‘X Factor’winner: I haven’t promised him a damned thing

When the ‘X Factor’ is back on screen in the year 2020, it is 13. version of the talentshowet in Denmark. This is the second time, TV2 sends it.