Sweden’s prime minister from 2006-2014 chastises the danes ‘ mentality after the importation of the border between the two countries.
– This is the kind of ‘us against them’way of thinking, which governs the whole world at the moment. It is fatal and will only cause new wars, says Fredrik Reinfeldt, according to the nyheteridag.see.
Fredrik Reinfeldt röt yesterday ifrÃ¥n mot Denmark gränskontroller mot Sverige och menar att the type av inställning as Denmark has, with bristande tillit och vilja att kontrollera terms which comes in in the country, comes “skapa nya war”.
Yes. On riktigt.#svpol #significant progress in pic.twitter.com/yS7IZRDnp4
— Mattias Albinsson (@mattiasreporter) November 14, 2019
The former party leader of the liberal-conservative Swedish party the moderate party, delivered his spiel at a seminar in Gothenburg last week. He believes that the danes lack the confidence, and that lack of confidence can end up being dangerous.
– I saw in the tv yesterday, that the danes are proud, to finally you must check all the swedes. It is almost as if we collectively have been insane in Sweden and therefore must not be released into Denmark. So is Denmark becoming infected, says Fredrik Reinfeldt.
The Danish justice minister Nick Hækkerup explained that the importation of border controls with, that you will get explosions and gunplay to life. In august, two Swedish citizens arrested for having blown up the facade of Skattestyrelsens building in Nordhavn in the air.
– We will not find ourselves in that criminal gangs, place bombs or shoot on the street, said the minister of justice by the introduction of border controls in October.
Denmark has introduced border control on the færgeovergangene at Ronne, Grenaa, Elsinore and Frederikshavn, as well as on the Link.