president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, took part Friday in the annual “March for Life”demonstration of abortmodstandere in the capital city of Washington.

Here accused Trump during his speech the Democrats for having “radical” and “extreme” positions on abortion.

– Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in The White House, said Trump in front of thousands of attendees in the parkland of the National Mall.

– When it comes to abortion, have the Democrats embraced the most radical and extreme positions, he said.

Donald Trump has twice spoken via video link to the approximately 100,000 participants. But he is the first american president, who actually is present.

– I am deeply honored to be the first american president ever to participate in this march for life, said Trump in reference to the name of the event.

– We are here of a very simple reason: to defend the right of every child – born or unborn – to complete the purpose God has assigned to them, he said.

“March for Life”demonstration is held every year in Washington.

It always happens around the anniversary of the højesteretsdommen in the historic case “Roe v Wade”, which gave american women the right to abortion.

Donald Trump used otherwise to support the possibility of abortion. It, he expressed among other things in 1999, where he in the tv program “Meet the Press” stating that he “supports abortion in every way”.

But when he stood for presidential election in 2016, he described himself as abortmodstander.

Analysts say, to Trump the need of the conservative electorate’s support, if he will seek re-election later in the year – but you do not win, if you support abortion.

Trump also took the opportunity in the demonstration to comment on the impeachment, which this week was initiated against the president in Congress, the Senate.

– They come after me, because I am fighting for you, and we are fighting for them, there is no vote – and we will win, because we know how to win, said Trump.

See also: Trump puts a stop to pregnant womens ‘fødselsturisme’