The former president of the Government Felipe González yesterday expressed his solidarity with the senator and general secretary of the PSOE in Aragon, Javier Lambán, who faces up to a fine of up to 600 euros for not attending the vote on the Amnesty Law in the Senate. “If they sanction him, they sanction me,” said the former socialist leader at the entrance to the presentation of Lambán’s memoir ‘A political emotion’, which was hosted by the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM).

“I agree in form and substance with what he has done,” said González, who emphasized that the fact that he was absent from the vote on the amnesty law on May 14 in the Upper House for not supporting the law, It is an “example of loyalty to the project that the Socialist Party represents.” That said, he insisted that if they sanction Lambán they are sanctioning him too. “I want to share it with him,” added the former president.

Already at the event, Lambán said that he sees the PSOE in a period of “tribulation” and demanded “a firmer anchor” for his party to “build a new way of serving Spain.” He was accompanied by the former president of Asturias Javier Fernández and the writer Manuel Vilas and in addition to González, the former vice president of the government Alfonso Guerra and the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, attended.

He did so on the day it became known that the leadership of the socialist parliamentary group in the Senate is studying whether to fine him up to 600 euros for his absence in the vote on the Amnesty Law in the upper house, where he is a senator by autonomous designation of the PSOE.

The former Aragonese president justified this decision by pointing out that he wanted to avoid “actively or passively” voting for something that he “honestly” considered “is aggravating the problem of coexistence in the rest of the country and harming the health of democracy.” However, Lambán did not make express reference to this issue yesterday, but instead expressed his diagnosis of the party. The general secretary of the PSOE in Aragon assured that his party managed to be the reference of social democracy in Spain “thanks to the talent and political genius of a splendid generation of socialists”, in reference to González y Guerra.