Direct aid for housing purchase or rental expenses; bonds for young people who want to rent and guarantees for those who want to buy; construction of more homes on public land; assessed rents, and anti-occupation measures. These are some of the measures proposed this Tuesday by the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on his housing proposal, which he will continue to discuss in the coming days.

Feijóo made these measures public during a discussion with two young people from Nuevas Generaciones from Madrid, who advanced the president of the PP in finding the culprits in the current situation: Pedro Sánchez, and in contrasting it with the housing policies of Isabel Díaz Ayuso or of José Luis Martínez Almeida, in the Community of Madrid and in the City Council of the capital, who have made, they stressed, that Madrid is one of the few communities in which the price of rents has fallen, they said, and where they have most risen have been in Catalonia, the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands, governed by the socialists or their pro-independence partners.

With this preamble, it was not difficult for Alberto Núñez Feijóo to convince the young people of the benefits of his plan, given the lack of measures by the Sánchez government during the five years it has been in government, which are summarized, he said in that In 13 autonomous communities, rents have reached all-time highs; mortgages have increased the cost of interest by 13%, and that young people who work have to spend 70% of the salary they earn to pay the rent.

Feijóo wants the idea to sink in that the measures announced by the president have only one objective, to seek votes, and that if we were not in the electoral period they would not have been put on the table. What’s more, the president of the PP is convinced that if he announced them over the weekend in Valencia it was to hide the fact that he had summoned the socialist barons to that event and no one wanted to attend, except the host, Ximo Puig.

They are measures announced “40 days before the elections,” he stressed, but they are “erratic, insufficient and inefficient measures.” Regarding the promised 50,000 Sareb homes that Sánchez announced would be put on the market, as a magic figure, Alberto Núñez Feijóo stressed that “either they are occupied, or there are only plots or they are in places where there is no tension”, so there is no are needed. The leader of the PP also tried to tear down the great promise that 20% of the homes are public, arguing that today that figure is 3%. His syllogism is that currently 100,000 homes are built a year, because if only public housing were built, it would take 30 years, that is, until 2053, to get the public housing stock to be 20%.

Faced with these “fantasies of the electoral period”, the president of the PP warned that he “is not going to demagogy with such a complex issue”, nor is he going to give “easy solutions to complex problems”, nor “populist measures that only create more problems”, nor is it going to propose “interventionist measures that translate into higher prices”.

The first thing that Feijóo proposes is “to build, elaborate and agree on the first housing state pact”, where City Councils, Autonomous Communities and central administration are. A state pact that addresses housing problems in its entirety, including “legal security for small investors, legal security for tenants and landlords”; direct aid to those who have more problems accessing housing, and above all, to put public land from the three administrations on the market, to lower the cost of rentals.

And among the measures that he revealed, there is already a “emancipation aid” of 1,000 euros, so that young people can pay for the purchase or rental of a home. In rentals, young people will be able to obtain a guarantee from the public authorities for the cost of the rental deposit; increase the rental bonus, which has not reached all the young people who have requested it.

But above all, Feijóo believes that the price of housing will only drop if more homes are built, and for this reason his plan will contemplate assignment of endowment land to build homes and assign them for 50 years for rent, with appraised prices that are 40%. lower than the market price.

Regarding the purchase, Feijóo proposes that the administrations guarantee 15% of the total purchase price, so that young people have, along with the mortgage, 100 percent of the price of the home. Finally, the leader of the PP insists on legislating against the occupation, in such a way that eviction is guaranteed within 24 hours; toughen the penalties for occupation; provide more resources to the courts and security forces to fight against the occupation, and aid to restore the homes to the owners.