Alberto Núñez Feijóo aims high. He is not satisfied with maintaining his territorial power. He wants more, because only then will he have options when his choices come. For this reason, today, before the national board of directors of the PP, the party’s highest body between congresses, the message that he sent to his people was clear: he goes out to win, not only to add up with Vox. For that, Pedro Sánchez is already there, who in his opinion has thrown in the towel and is only contemplating the possibility of governing with Sumar.

And for this reason, the president of the PP will hit the road not only two weeks after the elections, but from now on, touring all of Spain in support of the candidates, because the next day he will not do as Sánchez said in his speech. before the popular leadership, but will be responsible for the results of all. “I am not like Sánchez. I will tour Spain with you, although I will be the last member and I will be jointly responsible for the result in all the municipalities and in all the autonomous communities.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo summoned the highest body of the party between congresses to set the guidelines for “these seven crucial weeks that we have ahead”, to set objectives, which will not be, as others do, he said, “downward”, because “I have not come to Spanish politics to escape my responsibilities or to set easy objectives” nor is he in politics “so that everything remains the same, but to change the Government” and the elections of 28-M, he warned, “are the first stage to achieve a change of government in Spain”.

Hence, the leader of the PP is not content with achieving “a scratched pass” on 28-M, but rather wants to “exceed the results of 2019.” He is not satisfied “with maintaining the three governments” of the PP that are at stake: Madrid, Murcia and Ceuta, since those of Andalusia and Castilla y León do not have elections.

Feijóo knows where he is coming from: “we have not won nationally called elections for seven years”, all before his term as head of the PP, and for this reason his objective is “to increase the number of votes in the municipal elections and that this translates into more mayors , and increase in votes in the autonomous communities, and that this translates into more than three autonomous communities”. In short, he said, it is about “returning to the PP the pride of being the leading political force in Spain”, and if that happens, he stressed, “it will be the first step to offer Spain a better government”.

He will not be satisfied “if we get less than this” and says he will take on the challenge “in the first person”, and assures that “I am not worried about the next day”, that “I am not going to hide behind you, protect myself with a campaign of low profile, of equidistance”, but not “I am going to be with you in the street”. He wants to win and clearly. Not thinking about whether the next day he will join Vox: “I could try to help other parties to see if the sum of those others with ours hides a defeat at the polls from us, but as you will understand, I will never work to facilitate votes for other parties to the detriment of ours,” said Feijóo.

The president of the PP also explained “what he wants to win for” and it is something already known: “Start to turn the worst political page in Spanish democratic history” and stop “swallowing” everything that the Government asks the Spaniards to ” swallow”, said Feijóo, who cited everything from the corruption of Tito Berni, to the repeal of sedition, the reduction of penalties for embezzlement, that Marlaska and Irene Montero continue as ministers, or that “the CIS is only good for making jokes”, or with the law of yes is yes, or with the change of position on the Sahara, or with high inflation, or tax increases. Or that they have to swallow with “those who promise cool things and when they get it they change their name”, in reference to Sumar and Podemos.

“The time has come to say up to here,” stressed the president of the PP. “There is no one to swallow this government”, and that government, Feijóo explained, not only refers to the PSOE or Unidas Podemos, but to the mayors and barons of the PSOE who “by action or omission have complied with each of the outrages” and that now “they don’t want to be responsible”.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo also explained to the national board of directors, which includes all the regional presidents and mayors of provincial capitals, how he wants to win, and to explain it he did so in opposition to what the PSOE speech is. “Sánchez and his people have already recognized their defeat,” he said, when talking about winning and being able to govern with Sumar, which in his opinion is offering “a losing coalition that resists,” which is nothing more than “a mixture of more than 20 parties” whose “only glue is power”, and cited them.

The president of the PP considers that “most of the problems that exist in politics today have to do with governments supported by small, precarious and unstable minorities” and for this reason he proposes to the Spanish “formalize a new majority of strong governments , solid and stable governments”. He considers that Sánchez proposes a government with Sumar “because the accounts do not work out for him”, but in the PP “we do not resign ourselves”.

Without mentioning Vox at any time, Alberto Núñez Feijóo made it clear that he aspires to govern alone, and for this reason he asks the PP to “work as if we were one vote away from the majority”, work “with the illusion of knowing that we have objectives close by and with the humility of knowing that we need everyone”. But above all, the president of the PP asks “to give everything, but not to take everything for granted, but knowing that everything has to be done”, and asking the Spaniards, “a majority that guarantees a better policy”.