The PP believes that the five days of retirement that Pedro Sánchez took in April were not used to reflect on his future, but to think about “how to deal with the judicial mess” in which his government, the his party and his family environment. In other words, his wife, accused of influence peddling without a legal basis, but, according to Alberto Núñez Feijóo, enough to question the “ethics and aesthetics” of her attitude.

Three weeks after his last parliamentary intervention, the explanations of the President of the Central Government did not convince the head of the opposition, that after the debate on foreign policy – in which Sánchez announced the recognition of Palestine as a State to dilute, according to the opinion of the PP, the rendering of accounts on his wife’s business -, made concrete in the control session the threat of summoning him to the investigation commission on the Koldo case of the Senate, in which the popular they have an absolute majority and exercise a unique counter-power in Congress.

It is the last resort that the PP had considered in the offensive for the alleged corruption in the purchase and sale of masks during the pandemic that affects the PSOE, although Sánchez himself had already challenged Feijóo to cite them, both to him as to his wife: “If their aim is to bend me, they are ready”.

If the president spoke of the “mud machine” that sets in motion an “increasingly radicalized” PP and in a “reactionary coalition”, Feijóo reproached him, once he heard these terms, that his bonds had only lasted a short time purposes of putting an end to the tension in Spanish politics.

And since Sánchez did not answer the hundred questions about his wife’s professional activities that the PP sent him in writing on the eve due to the impossibility of raising them all in the parliamentary debate, especially about whether he had evidence of the letters of recommendation that Begoña Gómez was writing for “contractor” companies of the Spanish Government, Feijóo not only activated as a last resort the summons of Sánchez to the Senate’s investigative committee, but also called from the rostrum of Congress to a massive mobilization next Sunday at the door of Alcalá in Madrid to protest against the amnesty, “which has dynamized – he said – equality between Spaniards by seven votes”.

“Stop playing games”, exclaimed the president of the PP, who, in view of the new revelations about the Koldo case that were sure to emerge, urged the head of the Executive not to “do more the victim” and also to assume that his wife “has the condition of being investigated” in a court of law. And “this is wrong”, he concluded.

For the PP, the “film strategy” of the leader of the PSOE “disqualifies the Spanish, whom he takes for fools”, which is why he advised a better “interpretation” in the future. “The continuous overacting betrays him and shames us all”, continued Feijóo, who sees in the letter in which Sánchez pretended to resign, in the rocket with which he refers to the good progress of the Spanish economy and the conflict diplomat following the visit of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, samples of the presumed presidential grandiloquence.

“Do you know what the biggest hit of your foreign policy is? Palestine, Ukraine, Gibraltar? No, the headlines about corruption in the international press. You did it all by yourself,” he quipped, showing the pages of Le Monde, Le Figaro, The New York Times or Il Corriere that reproduced the allegations against Begoña Gómez.