last week, issued the tax administration by an error incorrect financial statements with the collection of outstanding tax to a larger group of citizens. Now, however, they have chosen to give the money back to 350 persons.

It informs the tax administration in a press statement, where they apologize many times for the mistake. Specifically, talk about the 350 citizens who chose to pay the money, when they saw their financial statements. Now the error has been corrected, disclosed this in a press release.

– I will, yet again, regret that the many wrong financial statements has led to unnecessary concern. It goes without saying that we take here very seriously, says Karoline Klaksvig, who is vice president of tax administration.

– We’ve spent the last few days to identify and correct all årsopgørelserne back to the original and give the concerned citizens message. The last thing that’s missing is that we are ready to pay the money back, and we do it now.

It was an it error, that in the last week was instrumental in helping the tax administration mistakenly issued incorrect financial statements, where 115.000 danes received a collection of money.

Subsequently, the selected 6000 people to accept the changes, while the 350 in the end actually chose to pay the opkrævende amount.

the tax administration informs, moreover, that they have launched a study in cooperation with an it-supplier, which must be to ensure forward-looking, that similar errors do not occur.

All financial statements can be seen in the TestSelv on the Now in a fixed version.

Community – 7. nov. 2019 – at. 20:05 After the big gaffe in the Tax: Lacking 4539 crowns

Community – 6. nov. 2019 – at. 19:41 Scandal in the Tax grows: Even more have received errors-charges

Community – 6. nov. 2019 – at. 14:30 Paid immediately: Feel cheated of TAX