Two verifiers for two different dialogue tables, but none to account for what ERC and Junts are saying. Pere Aragonès assured on Monday night that he had formally offered the post-convergent parties to join the dialogue table between the Spanish and Catalan governments. And Junts, who are already giving press conferences after months of absence and no longer make a flag of staying silent, attacked the president with a statement that denied him while the interview was still going on. Esquerra and JxCat are once again formally divorced.

This Tuesday, the Government did not want to reveal the truth further, but through its spokesperson, Patrícia Plaja, it assured that the president had made the request in private and in public to Junts. Regarding the second area, it appears in the session diary of the plenary session on the general policy debate, at the end of September: “We can share space and side at the negotiation table.” It is a direct response from Pere Aragonès to the leader of the Junts parliamentary group, Albert Batet.

Josep Rius, spokesperson for the post-convergents, insisted this Tuesday that, from an official request, nothing at all. “Formally, we have not received any invitation from President Aragonès,” he expressed in La Sexta in the morning. The leader assured that precisely the fact of not being able to incorporate, when they were part of the Government, into that dialogue space members from outside the Catalan Executive – Jordi Turull, Jordi Sànchez and Míriam Nogueras – was one of the reasons that led Junts to leave. of being tenants of the Palau de la Generalitat.

“Let’s stop the reproaches and also the little battles,” Plaja stressed at a press conference yesterday. The spokesperson has spoken of “expanding” the pro-independence delegation of the table to institutional representatives of the pro-independence forces. That would especially include JxCat. Also to the CUP, but the anti-capitalists have immediately closed the door to this possibility. Deputy Xavier Pellicer has indicated that they will not participate “in the umpteenth dialogue table, which will most likely not come from the framework of financing, the framework of jurisdiction or other issues that have nothing to do with the right to self-determination.”

In any case, Aragonès has gone from vetoing the table to members outside the Government to allowing it. Plaja has justified that now “the Government depends on Catalonia” and has stated that, unlike before the general elections of July 23, Junts has now jumped on the bandwagon of the negotiating strategy to achieve progress in self-determination. “The scenario has changed; The formulation of the negotiating table can also change,” he argued.

The Government is committed to ensuring that everyone who is in favor of voting on the political future of Catalonia is present in the negotiation. Now, the common people would have to be on the other side, Plaja said, since they are part of the central Executive. The same would happen with the PSC, which this Tuesday complained that it is “a mistake” not to include them on the Catalan side.