on Wednesday night local time, held the world health organisation press conference on a new coronavirus, which has claimed 17 lives in China.

Here was the message, that the WHO need more information before they can decide whether they can declare an international health crisis.

– the Decision on how far we should declare an international health crisis is one that I take very seriously and one I will only take after careful consideration of the evidence, said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the WHO, during the press conference.

He described the situation as ‘very complex’ and indicated that the WHO expects to have more information Thursday.

at the same time inform the chinese authorities Wednesday evening that the citizens should not leave the city of Wuhan, as the virus is believed to be best from, and to public transport and the outbound trains will be shut down Thursday. It writes the news agency Reuters.

Experts from the world health organization held earlier in the day emergency meeting on whether the new virus poses an international health crisis, but needed more information before they make a decision.

such A crisis is described as ‘an extraordinary event which constitutes a folkesundhedsrisiko in other countries through international spread of disease and which potentially requires a coordinated international response’.

Hastemødet was held behind closed doors at the headquarters in Geneva.

at Least 470 persons are infected in China, and in addition, there have also been cases of the virus in Thailand, south Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the UNITED states.

In all cases, there is talk about persons who have been in the chinese therefore, Wuhan, which is considered the breeding ground for the unknown virus. The outbreak associated with a local skaldyrsmarked.

In several countries worldwide have begun screening passengers from Wuhan. It applies, among other things in the UNITED states, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Singapore and south Korea.

There is no vaccine against the new virus. The infected have had symptoms of pneumonia are fever, dry cough, and in some cases trouble breathing.

Why is the virus so dangerous. Video / editing: Ritzau Scanpix / Morten Parsner