Lederskribenten Lydia Wålsten from the big Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet got the Sunday big attention in Sweden with a text, where she, in a report on its own kræftsyge mother described how the environmental fanaticism can go a bit too far.

So wrote Lydia Wålsten in its leader article:

‘After some critical hours in the fight against cancer, had the condition stabilized a little. A avokado smoothie was enjoyed with a straw. Enjoyed is the wrong word. Cell-poisons makes that almost everything tastes of metal, and when you least know it, even a good drink become an icy pain running through the whole body’

This time tasted of something, and she drank targeted. With eyes closed, in order to be ready for, if there were to be a pain. When she had drunk up so, she pressed on alarmklokken to ask for an extra straw. A to a glass of water, so she could also get the liquid in.

If a patient is very kræftsyg, it is the doctors ‘ principle, that the patient may receive pain relievers, although it can develop dependence. The alternative is considered inhumane. But when the nurse showed up to take care of the issue around a new drinking straw, was the pitch a completely different. She questioned whether there was a need for even a straw.

the Mother lifted the greenish straw from smoothien over for a glass of water with shaking hands. The incident was objectively no big deal. But nevertheless touches on some existential questions about menneskeværd. Namely the insight that the bureaucracy focuses on other things than just that.

If the environment influences a priority so hard that a nurse is reluctant to give a kræftsyg woman a straw, so need to have a discussion about how such a narrow focus risks that affect us as people’.

In the head-the article focuses Lydia Wålsten also on the researcher Magnus Söderlunds proposal: that perhaps in the future can eat human flesh, which supposedly is more environmentally friendly. It he held a seminar about at a food fair in Stockholm, which focused on the future of food.

It has Extra Leaf previously written about, which you can read below:

See also: Researcher shocked: Can you eat human flesh in order to save the climate?

Here is an ordinary casserole with the meat. But just imagine, that perhaps in the future could be human flesh in the pot to save the climate.

On the social media, there have been strong reactions to Lydia Wålstens leader-article.

A user wrote the following:

‘No plastic straws for the dying, but even dead human flesh for the rest of us? It is sheer ‘Gøgereden’.

another user wrote:

‘Yes. You can almost see it in front of themselves, when we need to eat human flesh. The environment tosserne crazy, if people use plastikbestik for the meal’.

And a third user wrote:

‘Total lack of ethics and common sense. See the whole and not part-question, when it comes to the climate.