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A draft of a not yet published report reveals that the situation on the Danish railways is far worse than previously thought.

in Fact, have Certifications within the next ten years as major economic problems, that it is in fact not possible to maintain the network in a satisfactory way.

It reveals the draft a report, which goes under the name of ‘Baneinfrastrukturen 2021-2030 – Proposals on the financial framework for the maintenance and reinvestment’, which will be prepared by rail net denmark in connection with the servicing of the railway network, the minister of transport launched in august last year.

the Extra Leaf is come into possession of the draft, which it sounds that The real missing billions in order to get the rails to hang together.

‘the Consequence is, first, that the line performance deteriorates with shorter or longer speed restrictions and driftafbrydelser to follow, partly to build up a backlog of € 15.5 billion. kr. by the end of 2030,’ sounds on the first page of the draft.

Further swabbed the problems out. In the introduction says:

‘But the railway is of older date, and many anlægselementer have passed their forældelsestidspunkt. It does not mean that the railroad breaks together in the morning. Just like a computer system can operate after the support expires, so can anlægselementerne typically also last longer than the formal life, but there is a risk that the plant suddenly breaks down, getting bigger for every day. Therefore, it is important to reinvest in the track and replace the anlægselementerne, in the breaks along with major traffic implications to follow.’

Already now Banedanmark in time with historically large investments in the network. On the one hand, all the signals are changed along the tracks, as well as the entire rail network elektrificeres.

In 2017, criticised the public accounts committee, to signalprogrammet at that time was estimated to 4.4 billion more expensive than expected, and three years late. And in december last year, the stopped motion, the maker of director Per Jacobsen suddenly in the job.

But although it is publicly known, to The say the least, have challenges, shocks to the report the Unity transportordfører Henning Hyllested.

– It is good enough alarming. It is worse than I thought.

– here is absolutely fundamental. There are no new trains or the like. It is fundamental in railway operations, he says.

the Article continues under the picture …

the Extra Leaf in 2013.

He is surprised that it is only now coming forward.

I hope that Banedanmark has continued to note it here, so can the arrow the point to the transport ministers, who have been in power. But it has not come to a wider circle. It is quite new matter for me, says Henning Hyllested, who does not believe that there is another way out than to have closed the gap.

part of the signalprogrammet provided by the French våbenproducent Thales.

Already in 2013 could Ekstra Bladet tell, that the state had bad experiences with the company that supplied the rejsekortet, which was extremely delayed. At the time, was The proud, that now would begin a collaboration with missilproducenten. On the question of why Banedanmark had rewarded a company that was heavily delayed on the rejsekortet, replied the then director of signalprogrammet Morten Søndergaard:

– Now, I do not provide a travel card. I need to get delivered a proper signalling system for the best possible price. And we actually managed to get something near the best rates in Europe. Thales has delivered signalløsninger, which works brilliantly in the bl.a. Switzerland, and at the same time all rules complied with.

According to the original plan, it should have been færdigudrullet in 2023.

Banedanmark points out that there are not any comments for this story.

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