the Hurricane Dorian is the night of Sunday passed in the country near the city of Halifax on the canadian atlantic coast. It writes the AFP news agency.

According to canadian authorities, with gusts up to 150 kilometres an hour, which already has toppled several trees.

at the same time have the hurricane, which is now officially referred to as a ‘very intense post-tropical cyclone’, created waves along the coast reached a height of up to 20 metres.

Dorian has slowed down in strength on its journey up along the u.s. east coast and is now a category 2 hurricane. Since Dorian in the Sunday hit a the Bahamas east of Florida as a category 5 hurricane.

The massive devastation of the two islands, Grand Bahama and Abaco has so far claimed the lives of 43 people, but according to local authorities it is likely that the death toll will rise as hundreds remain missing.

But, although it has waned in strength, so the storm is still very violent, says the canadian authorities.

– It is certainly a very dangerous storm, said Bob Robichaud, chefmeteorolog by the Canadian Hurricane Centre on the night of Sunday.

According to the centre’s inventories have already dropped over 100 millimeters of rain in the province of Nova Scotia, where the Halifax is the capital.

This has led to the stormflodslignende conditions in some places, and more than 450,000 households are currently without power due to toppled power lines.

– We will not have the citizens of Halifax to move around in the centre, as there is flooding in several places, says Erica Fleck, deputy head of city department of public safety.

the Call to be within doors comes alongside with a large crane in the city centre have fallen because of the strong gusts and has destroyed a residential building that was under construction.