A documentary about the 16-year-old Swedish klimaaktivist Greta Thunberg expected to premiere in 2020.

It shall notify the streaming service Hulu on Twitter.

the film Crew has followed Greta Thunberg, since she began her so-called skolestrejke for the climate in Stockholm last year and up until now, where she talks for world leaders and at the head of large demonstrations.

Thunbergs skolestrejke developed in the course of some months to the international klimademonstrationer in the form of the initiative ‘Fridays of the Future’.

the streaming service Hulu came with in the film project some time ago, the information sources to filmsitet deadline.com.

the Film, which has the working title ‘Greta’, directed by Nathan Grossman.

last week was the 16-year-old swede touted as this Year’s Person of the Time Magazine. She is the youngest, there is the race with the title.

Thunberg has also been honoured with Amnesty International’s human rights award this year, just as she received the Right Livelihood award, known as the alternative nobel prize.