Sunday morning is the fog close over mainly the south of Denmark.

It can duty meteorologist at DMI, Lars Henriksen conclude.

– We have some observations, especially in the south, Sønderborg and Als site, where there is a dense fog.

However, is risikomeldingen from the DMI later in the morning also moved up to around the Odsherred region of denmark and Roskilde on Zealand.

The dense fog can be dangerous, if you want to fast forward in traffic.

– This is about road safety. If you drive on the highway, and there is only a 100 meters visibility, so it can quickly become dangerous. You have to drive according to the situation, says the weatherman.

DMI issued varslen ‘risk for severe weather’ in the first place to apply to at eight o’clock, but later expanded it so it applies to at nine o’clock.