FC Midtjylland has the opposite FC Copenhagen and Brøndby chosen to keep in vintertræningsturen to Dubai.

In the course of the year there among fans been criticism of the trips to The United Arab Emirates because of its relationship to human rights. It was among the reasons for the FCK and Brøndby have dropped Dubai.

the FCM-director Claus Steinlein provide to Herning Folkeblad, that the club has taken its reservations about the workout.

– We have secured the hotel, we live on, to comply with all international rules and conventions.

– It was crucial for us, and this we have ensured through our partners, ” says Steinlein to the newspaper.

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Claus Steinlein and Midtjylland takes again to Dubai. Photo: Anita Graversen
Erik Defends and Gustav Isaksen can look forward to a training camp in Dubai. Photo: Lars Poulsen
It is according to the Herning Folkeblad company Sporting Events, who organizes the trip in the beginning of February.

the FCM-the director explains that it is the club’s sporting sector, who have wanted to take to Dubai for the fifth winter in a row.

Claus Steinlein indicating that the decision is taken in a dialogue with the club’s main commercial partners.

the Trip to Dubai, meetings subject to heavy criticism.

the FCK and Brøndby has announced that, after a number of workouts to Dubai in recent years travel to Portugal this winter.

– FCK has never had other motives than to train optimally, up to the spring season, but we understand and respect that it is a strong desire from our fans, that we find a different solution. We’ve chosen to listen to, wrote the FCK on his website back in January.

Manager Stale Solbakken has also his opinion about Dubai.

– It’s all about the view of humanity and discrimination that is directed towards both homosexuals and women – obvious things, which are contrary to it, as the majority stand for, the Norwegian told VG.

the League begins again 14. February, when Esbjerg take against FCK.

the League – 19. dec. 2019 – at. 16:30 Win a big League-price

See also: Now explain Stale opt-out: ‘It’s about thinking and discrimination’

See also: After the big protest: FCK in the big u-turn

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