Danske Bank will cut the number of employees.

Therefore, storbanken now 2000 of its Danish employees a voluntary redundancy scheme.

It writes TV2. It confirms the Danish Bank also Extra Magazine.

Community – 10. oct. 2019 – at. 10:59 of the Danish Bank says stop

‘As part of our plan to become a better bank, we need to reduce the cost, so we fol.a. may invest significantly in becoming an even more digital, simple and efficient bank. In this context, we look at all costs across the group, and it also means that we over time will be fewer employees,’ says Anne Lad, temporary HR manager at Danske Bank, in an email to Ekstra Bladet.

the Bank, which is the country’s largest bank, introduced already a ansættelsesstop in september. But now they will have even fewer employees.

‘We have previously introduced ansættelsesstop, and in Denmark we have also opened up the possibility of voluntary resignations of employees of the particular headquarters and staff functions,’ says Anne Lad on in the mail.

Community – 13. jan. 2020 – pm. 08:37 Customers give bundkarakter to Danske Bank

Since the bank introduced the ansættelsesstop, the explanation was rising costs, flavoured with pressure on revenues.

‘As we reported earlier in the year, our costs increased – particularly due to the expenditure for the prevention of money laundering and financial crime, and we are as all banks are challenged by low interest rates, low margins and challenges related to the digital transition,’ stated Karl Kjær Bang, who is the press officer at the Danish Bank, at the time.

According to the media got the staff in Danske Bank message on Friday. The employees have until the 31. January to decide whether they will accept the offer.

There are about 11.000 employees in a Danish Bank, who can take up the offer of voluntary redundancy.