Saturday was a jewish cemetery in Randers vandalized, and now is a building with a jewish star on the facade was painted over.

It writes TV2 east Jutland.

Police confirm to the media that they have got a review about the vandalism on the building, and that they are investigating the matter.

It seems that the vandalism to the building also took place on Saturday, which was the 81 anniversary of Kristallnacht in Germany in which 91 jews were killed, and thousands of jewish shops and synagogues were vandalized.

– Some suggest that the paint has been sitting there since yesterday. The paint is certainly dry as dust, says vagtchefen with the east Jutland Police to TV2.

Saturday was 84 tombs painted over with the green graffiti. Some tombs had also been overturned.

the Mayor in the Municipality of Randers, Torben Hansen, takes great distance from the action.

– We have one of the oldest jewish cemeteries, and we will always cherish it as we cherish all the burial sites. I hope the police find the culprits, he says in a press release.

See also: Mayor upset over the vandalism at the jewish graveyard

It is not only in denmark, Danish jews have been subjected to vandalism.

In Silkeborg got a couple sticky a jødestjerne on the mailbox with the inscription ‘jude’, as they did in Germany during the Second world War.

See also: Danish jew in shock: Jødestjerne put on the mailbox