The Danish comedian Nikolaj Stokholm become a father for the first time.

It reveals he is on his Instagram profile.

this tells the 30-year-old Stokholm is also, as a consequence of familieforøgelsen have had to move two shows in Rødovre, which should have taken place 6. February.

‘4,5 kilo pure love landed in our arms less than a week ago in the form of our beloved Osvald. P. S. Sorry for Rødovre in order to move the two shows. But mussemor had use for me,’ writes Nicholas Stockholm for a picture on Instagram where he stands, with his little son, who has been named Osvald.

See also: Comedian rejoice: I shall be a father

The small new came into the world a week ago. Photo: Stine Tidsvilde

Nikolaj Stokholm and his wife, Isabella, met each other for the first time in 2013, and three years later they were married.

Among ski boots, full high-school-and-furious doormen she stood suddenly. Her, that one becomes the center of the entire room. It was she who was to become the centre for the whole of my future life, has Nikolaj Stokholm previously written in a column on the Christiane Schaumburg-Müller’s online livsstilsunivers,

Now the couple can then also call themselves parents for the first time.

the Extra Leaf is working to get a comment from Nikolaj Stokholm, but it has at the time of writing not been possible.

the well-Known Nikolaj Stokholm: Was blind as a child and got debut in a rockerborg