recent years have Louise Dorph Houvenaeghel been troubled by pain in the jaw, but now she hopes she has found a solution, so she once and for all get rid of the pain.

So she lay down on Monday under the knife and underwent an operation. It writes boligstylisten, among other things, has starred in TV2 Free-the program ‘Care with housing’, in a posting on Instagram.

‘In the last few years I have been in the anesthetic four times; two kikkertoperationer, a stem cell therapy (where they have taken stem cells from my hip and placed into kæbeleddet) and no later than yesterday (Monday, ed.) an open surgical interventions at the university hospital.’

‘all in All, I have struggled with a broken jaw, in august of 2017 went into pieces as I chewed on a toffee. It has been two years and five months with the pain – I know, it is fortunately not life-threatening. But, oh, how I hope it works this time,’ writes the 49-year-old Louise Dorph, among other things in the advertisement.

Show this posting on Instagram

Read if you also have kæbesmerter. Otherwise, just swipe on. A few summers ago I wrote a blog post about my jaw, which had locked itself (it read at the top of my profile). In the last few years I have been in the anesthetic four times; two kikkertoperationer, a stem cell therapy (where they have taken stem cells from my hip and placed into kæbeleddet) and no later than yesterday, an open surgical procedure in the national hospital. All in all, I have struggled with a broken jaw, in august 2017, went to pieces when chewed on a toffee. It has been 2 years and five months with the pain – I know it is thankfully not life-threatening. But oh how I hope it works this time. Maybe you know also locked kæbeled and pain – so stick to get treatment. I know how it hurts! Ps. I have blurred the picture, as it is not quite game nicely it all

A lookup shared of LOUISE DORPH HOUVENAEGHEL (@louisedorph) the

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the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Louise Dorph, there still is the mark of the operation. Via TEXT message she tells, however, that it is going the right way.

‘It has been a little tough game. They have opened up into the jaw, and therefore I am quite swollen in one side of the head. I look like a little hamster. Otherwise it has gone well. They are skilled at Rigshospitalet in copenhagen,’ she says, and continues:

‘I had a big fear before the operation. They should open up, where the nerves going to the face, and therefore there was a risk I could be lame in one side of the face. Fortunately I am quite myself again.’

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the Problems started in august 2017, and since Louise Dorph been suffering with jaw problems.

‘It’s kind of a long story, for you are a little lost, if you have problems with the jaw. With me it started with a caramel that got my jaw to go out of the led. Actually it is a herniated disc,’ she writes, and continues:

‘It ended in osteoarthritis, because there was no cartilage between the bones. Besides it I have also a meniskskade. So the jaw was almost completely useless at the end. I know there are many who struggle with something similar. You have to really keep firm and ask to get treatment. It helps, not always with a bideskinne, as many say.’

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Louise Dorph age of 50 years, a few days after she is 30. January gets rid of the stitches after the operation. Photo: Martin Sylvest/Ritzau Scanpix

Boligstylisten has already been printed after the operation.

‘I have come home, that’s how it is. The Man quickly slides out of the guard. But it is now also very lovely to come home in his own bed,’ writes Louise Dorph.

She still hurt after the procedure, but she is betting that she must lie long in the sygesengen.

‘Unfortunately, I can’t tolerate morphine, so rather have the evil than to throw up. I need to eat liquid and soft diet the next 14 days and 30. January I have taken the stitches. I bet, however, that I’m ready for the job again on Monday. I would.’

Now crosses the Louise Dorph-fingers crossed that she can finally get the problems solved once and for all.

‘If it doesn’t work this time, is the next step, shown a new jaw. There, I hope not, I land,’ she rolls fast.

Louise Dorph Houvenaeghel has been previously married with the tv host Jes Dorph-Petersen. The two were divorced in 2015.

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