It is no secret that the blogger Kira Eggers is happy for the dogs. Why did it also hurt her, since she recently witnessed, that one of them was ploughed down by a scooter in Mexico.

I had just paid a vet bill for another dog, as I see it be run over. In fact, breaks off the leg completely, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

– There, where I am in Mexico, it is very controlled by a tribe (tribe red.), called the mayans, and they don’t really have the same relationship to animals as you and I have. If we see a dog suffering in the street, there is a big chance that we would intervene, but they do not have quite the same relation to it, and they have, incidentally, is also not have the money for it.

Here is the dog, which got Kira Eggers heart to melt. Private

Economic resources was fortunately not a problem for Kira Eggers, who immediately asked his many followers for help to cover the dog’s veterinary costs.

– Before that was gone 24 hours, I had collected over 30,000 dollars in, she says.

– People have been so sweet to support.

Kira Eggers should only use 8000 kroner to help the dog, so the rest of the money she has donated to a dyrevelfærdsorganisation.

– what The organisation does is that they offer all of the locals, who are poor, that they can come with their pets and get them spayed and neutered. They just need to stand up in the queue, she says and elaborates:

– It is called the direct action. There is not a middleman, there is no administration, there is nothing. The money goes specifically to get the animals of the street, which suffers a horrible fate. Everyone knows that the street dogs are thinking only of the next meal. After all, they have not a life, and if they are run over, there is damn no, who helps them.

today the unfortunate gadehund it is fortunately much better. Private

On January rains Kira Eggers with, that she can be allowed to take the dog with them to Denmark. It will stay with her until it is ready for a new home with a family that suits him.

Kira Eggers will find the dog a new home, in cooperation with the dyreværnsorganisationen OASA.