For Ciudadanos, the Secretary of State for Equality, Ángela Rodríguez Pam, deserves the disapproval of the Congress of Deputies for having affirmed that “men do not need to go to the registry to be rapists.” A statement that, in the opinion of Inés Arrimadas, is equivalent to the expression of her “hatred” towards men and reveals her “sectarianism” and “incompetence”.
This was announced this Tuesday by the parliamentary spokesperson for Ciudadanos in her appearance before the media in Congress, in which she harshly charged the PSOE and United We Can for “protecting” and keeping Rodríguez Pam in office, whose expressions imply an “insult to all women”, as stated by Arrimadas.
Ciudadanos, who understands that the Government only stays together with the “glue” of the “salaries” that its “overpaid” members receive, expects the support of the other groups in the Chamber for his initiative, with which he intends to put an end to the “disrespect” implied by the presence of Rodríguez Pam, who “is not prepared” for the position she holds, in the Executive.
In another order of things, Arrimadas has congratulated himself on the rejection by Congress of the modification of the Citizen Security law, which Arrimadas has labeled as “sectarian.” For Ciudadanos, it is a “small great victory” in the face of a reform that left the police “handcuffed”, whose work was “hampered”, and gave “letter of marque to criminals”. The law can be improved, the spokeswoman has conceded, but not along the lines of what Bildu, the CUP or the ERC propose, which have allied to promote the failure of the government initiative. “The pity is that the Government had the idea of ??putting the future of the National Police and Civil Guard agents in the hands of those who are committing crimes all day,” Arrimadas lamented.
Regarding the motion of censure presented by Vox that Ramón Tamames will defend next week, Ciudadanos considers that, although the President of the Government “deserves it”, the head of the opposition should have promoted it and that, in any case, the true response It will come with the general elections. Even so, Arrimadas will take advantage of the occasion to present the Ciudadanos project, which he has presented as an alternative to the bipartisanship of PSOE and PP.
In this sense, the spokesperson for Ciudadanos in Congress has shown her discrepancy with the reform of the pension system, which “drowns the future of young people” and represents a new “patch” that the two majority parties have been placing ” in recent years” to “kick forward” the problem. Faced with the “populism” that he sees in this measure, Ciudadanos exhibits the “truth” of a “hole” that will become “unbearable” for the younger generations and that, in the opinion of Arrimadas, will lead to “bankruptcy” for the system.
Introducing itself as “the party of equal opportunities”, something that Arrimadas has underlined with the initiative to have a single access to the university for all of Spain, and as “the party of families”, which has allowed it to claim the free school canteen, transportation of students to educational centers and extracurricular activities in favor of reconciliation, Ciudadanos has also announced that it will promote the implementation of a flexible working day like the one that exists in Germany, where part of the schedule is The company decides and another is set according to the needs of each worker.