Thousands of danes travelling these days across the country to celebrate christmas with their loved ones. Lillejuleaftensdag Monday is the big departure date, so if you want to avoid queuing, there are certain times when it is not smart to take off.

– If you can avoid it, so we recommend that you wait until after the bell 14 with the running off. Between 11 and 14 may be near traffic and the risk of the queue.

– It gets the worst from Copenhagen to the west, and from Kolding from Aarhus, says the duty officer at the Danish road directorate Mette Nedergaard Extra Magazine.

Here are the traffic is the worst. Photo: The Danish Road Directorate.

When it is said, so is christmas this year on a Tuesday, and it has according to the Danish road directorate gave the danes the opportunity to run home on christmas vacation a little earlier. The usually bustling departure date lillejuleaftensdag goes hopefully a little easier because of it.

– We hope in a sensible rejsedag as christmas in the year is located on a nice day in relation to traffic, Many have already started to travel home on Friday, says Mette Nedergaard.

Good advise to drivers in juletrafikken

1. Run outside the most congested period of time and allow good time to your journey.

2. Keep an extra eye on the weather forecast in christmas.

3. Drive for the conditions and keep a safe distance to the vehicles ahead.

4. Keep to the right for good traction.

5. Sea rugs, any. a shovel and something to drink in the car

Source: The Danish road directorate

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While udrejsetrafikken in the year spread over several days, giving the year’s big hjemrejsedag boxing day still panderynker at the Danish road directorate. It will be in all probability the worst rejsesag.

– Second day of christmas, we will recommend the danes to stay and enjoy themselves at the home us family until late in the afternoon, says Mette Nedergaard.

Between 10 and 15 is a big risk of traffic congestion and extended travel time.

– This applies to traffic in both directions on the island of Fyn, but particularly in the west. The weather can also provide some challenges. Now suggest it is not snow, but rain may also delay, says Mette Nedergaard.

rail passenger would like the drivers experience, that there will be travlest the middle of the day.

At the DSB tells information manager Tony Bispeskov that a historical number of danes have chosen to take the train on holidays. Therefore, it can be a good idea to avoid the most busy rejsetidspunkter.

– most take off between the hours of 11 and 16. You can still get with departures in the period, but if you have the option for it, you will probably be able to get more space in the compartment, if you leave earlier or later, says Tony Bispeskov.

He also recommends in general that you can buy a pladsbillet to his journey.

– So you are assured of a comfortable ride, which can help the christmas spirit a little on the way, he says.

Good advise for travellers by train and aircraft

For travellers by train:

1. Check out the Itinerary to notify you of any changes or track number.

2. Buy pladsbillet to be sure to get a place to sit.

3. Take off early in the morning or late in the evening on the most busy days.

4. Ask julehjælpere, there is inserted at the larger stations, to the council.

For travelers with a plane:

1. Pay attention to how you package your christmas presents before you go on board on the plane.

2. Among other things, to liquids be placed in checked baggage. It may not be placed in hand baggage.

3. Other gifts such as toy guns must also be kept in checked baggage.

4. In addition, nytårskrudt neither be included in hand luggage or checked in baggage, so let it be at home, or purchase upon arrival.

Sources: DSB and the Copenhagen Airport.

The most popular routes for juletrafikken is according to Tony Bispeskov between Copenhagen and Odense, Copenhagen and Aarhus as well as Copenhagen and Fredericia.

After christmas, the picture is the same just with the reverse sign.

– Before christmas we can see that the primary traffic is from east to west. It changes so when people are going home again. We expect that the largest rejsedag after christmas will be 26. december, he says.

See also: DSB: record number of julerejsende