this Saturday I went Geggo and the man Cengiz their sample, as they held the much-heralded amateur-boksestævne Star Boxing, where the Danish reality-celebrities fought against each other in the ring.

Danish well-known – 12. sep. 2019 – at. 10:54 Rejects rumors: – There is not cold air

the Pair had even stacked the event on the legs, but it was without the help from Stephanies uncle, bokseveteranen Mikkel Kessler.

– I am thinking not, that it would have been obvious. We have bikset an event together without him – and we have no use for him. He has been fantastic in bokseverdenen, no doubt about it, but our competition is not professional. It is a amatørstævne with some celebrities, so we don’t need it, beat Cengiz firm, as caught him on Saturday after the regatta.

the Pair is right now current in to a brand new season of ‘the Family from Bryggen’ on TV3. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

Cengiz and Geggo were married in april of this year, and there was the family Kessler invited, but ended up with not to participate. Ago, the parties have reportedly not spoken together.

– I can tell you that it is those who do not want to talk with us, and that it has happened very suddenly. I will not tell you why, because it will create a lot of hate against them, because the reason is so, yes, in fact, the tragicomic, said Geggo recently for

Geggo and Cengiz have otherwise been close with the family Kessler, but it is no longer. Photo: Mogens Flindt

Bryggen-the family has already announced that there will be a new boksestævne in 2020.



See also: Harsh criticism of the ‘Bryggen’-stars: out of the hemp.

See also: Furious ‘Bryggen’star: ‘don’t contact me’

See also: ‘War’ in the Kessler clan: Challenger Geggo and Lens

See also: Geggo and Cengiz in the big roar