The worst typhoon in 10 years have destroyed large areas of the Tokyo region of Japan, writes News World Japan.

More than 900,000 people are without power after the typhoon.

130 flight is cancelled, and several entire cities are without power in the region, informs BBC.

A gymnasium, a shooting range and several homes have been destroyed by the powerful storm.

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Several buildings are tame by typhoon. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

But it is not the only material damage the typhoon has caused. A lady in Tokyo, is reported to have died after a strong gust of wind got hold of her, and threw her against a wall, writing News World Japan. The woman was pronounced dead at the hospital afterwards.

There are at least 36 people are injured due to tyfonens ravages, informs News of the World Japan.

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the clean-up operation is already underway after typhoon. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

the Typhoon has moved out on the water again, but there is still a high probability that there will be big floods, writes the BBC.
