Are you a thief, and being caught on a surveillance camera, it should usually be equal to an arrest.

Therefore, it awakens also the amazement that the same thief has had success with to commit burglary in the parked cars on the same parking lot in front of the the Apollo Fitness in Vejle four times in the last month.

All of the cases have been included in the fitness-centre video-monitoring, and both images and the registration number is transmitted to the poliiet.

They refuse, however, to arrest the man.

It writes TV2 South.

the Reason is that priority be given to personfarlig crime higher.

– we will have to. And have people been turned down, then we take hold of it before the theft from the car, said Michael Weiss, the Inspector of Sydøstjyllands Police to SCREEN the SOUTH.

In the municipality get priority among others, sharp criticism from the byrådspolitikeren Per Olesen (V).

– It is grotesque and completely out of the hemp that the police do not choose to take the low hanging fruit, as this case apparently is an example of, he says, and calls at the same time, the city’s mayor Jens Ejner Christensen (V) to intervene in the case.