In a new campaign with the slogan ‘Stop the Hate’ calls on the police to anyone who is experiencing hate crime, must report them – regardless of the size.

the Call is because there is a large mørketal, when it comes to the kind of crimes, because many don’t report them.

But if you are homosexual and will report a hate crime, you may risk being rejected by the police, if you don’t look ‘gay’ enough.

In the history of Ahmad Mahmoud could Ekstra Bladet reported how Ahmad was rejected by the police, when he tried to report an assault, he was exposed to during the Copenhagen Pride 2019.

the Policeman assessed according to Ahmad, to the persons who were behind the attack, could not look at him, that he was a homosexual. Therefore he would not receive the notification.

to Ekstra Bladet confirms the inspector Tenna Wilbert from Rigspolitiets National Forebyggelsescenter that the police have to judge people’s appearance, when they will report a hate crime.

If a man turn to the police and get to know that he does not see homosexual out, he looks like a ’common man,’ and that the police therefore do not know whether it is a hate crime, you will think that it is acceptable?

– Yes. For it is that we are going to have to be explained, why the person think that this is a hate crime, she says.

LGBT Denmark’s spokesperson against hate crimes, Kenneth Engberg, looking with deep earnest on politiinspektørens announcement.

– The most important thing for a man who has been the victim of an assault, is to be allowed to put words on the experience you’ve had, ” he says.

– So you can later in the process find out whether there is a legal case of a hate crime. But if the first cop didn’t even bother to write it in the report, then I think that you fail from the start.

Ahmad rages against the police after the beating: Was not ‘gay’ enough

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But how does a homosexual person look like?

to answer the questions, have the Extra Magazine got a number of pictures of both the homosexual and heterosexual communities.

In this quiz, you can therefore get the answer to whether you are suitable to be a police officer.

you Can see who is homosexual and who is heterosexual?

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10 questions Who is homosexual and who is heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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Homosexual or heterosexual?

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